Christmas is hard.

Don’t let marriage make it harder.

You Don’t Have To Feel This Way.


I’ve made a gift that will help you:

  • figure out why he acts/speaks like that at holiday parties
  • rediscover the good things about him
  • navigate his flaws with simple, straightforward tips
  • find peace in your marriage this Christmas

It’s free! All you need to do is answer this question:


Who are you married to?

The fun-loving but irresponsible one?

The peaceful but unhelpfully passive one?

The decisive but domineering one?

Or the idealistic but pessimistic one?

And if you need to talk more,
I’m only a button away.

Hey, there!

I’m Elizabeth Saenz, and I help Catholic women rediscover their husbands. You remember the incredible guy you fell in love with? He’s still in there. He’s just buried under years of disappointment, miscommunication, and hopelessness. Call me, and we’ll find him together. You’re not powerless. You just need a few new tools, and an excavating buddy. ❤️
